Monday, 20 June 2011

Furball Keychains

These little furry keychains look good and are nice to hold when you want something fluffy to play with. If you are so inclined, it can double as a stress ball for you to squish when you are agitated xD

The furballs come in two sizes, 6 inches and 8 inches (from top of the head fluff to end of the tail). The larger size, though only 2 inches taller, is definitely a lot more fluffy and round. Colors are limited, most of them are grey-based with colored highlights.

Fluffies are at $ 3 and $ 5 for 6 and 8 inches respectively. Unfortunately, only meet up collection is available for 8 inches Fluffies. Available colors are indicated in the color lists below.

Bunch of Furballs

Sand, Black and BlueGrey (6 inch)

Colors (6 inches)

Colors (8 inches)

Medium to Large Designs

Medium to Large Designs are those bigger than 3.5 inches in length. We dont suggest that you carry it around as keychains because they are a little too big for that. They make good tabletop or wall decorations, or for personal collections. Since hamabeads are plastic based, they can be easily attached and removed from most surfaces with common poster mounting strips, and can be washed if they get dirty.

Big designs are generally more detailed and less pixellated than small ones, as more colors and details can be included into the picture.


Legend of Zelda
Minish Cap Link.
Price: $ 7 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H15


The red snail.
Price: $ 9 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H16
(State preferred colour - Red/Blue)

Coaster Sized

Many of the game characters designs ended up Coaster-Sized; just right for fitting a mug of coffee on it. Though all the designs can be fitted with a round or square border for use as coasters, we find it more interesting to add a keychain to it and watch it dangle around on our bags :)

Coaster sized designs are between 2 to 3.5 inches in length. They might be a little too big for hanging on phones, but looks pretty good on backpacks or sling bags. Also good for magnets or simple used as decoration. Of course, you can always use them as cup coasters; just remember not to put metal cups with very hot water.


Puzzle Bobble Brothers

Dinosaur brothers from Puzzle Bobble. Default colors are Light Green and Dark Blue, special colors on request.
Price: $ 4   (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H06
(State preferred Color)

Final Fantasy Sprites

Final Fantasy Character 2D Sprites (NES & SNES). Designs available for all character sprites before FFVI (inclusive). Monster Sprites may be requested as custom designs.
Price: $ 5.50   (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H07
(State character name)

Floppy disk

 Floppy disks that comes in any colour of your choice.
Price: $ 3.50 ( Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H08
(State preferred colour)

Rainbow Yoshi
Multicolored Baby Yoshies.
Price: $ 3.50   (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H09
(State preferred colour)

Space Invaders
Pixel Aliens in various colours.

Price: $ 4 (Normal Postage Included)
Set of 3: $ 10 

Item ID - H10
(State preferred alien type and colour)

*From Top-Down : Fat Alien, Spider Alien, Octopus Alien*

8-bit version of our favourite plumber.
(Custom requests can be made for the newer versions of Mario, though sizes may vary)

Price: $ 3.50 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H11

A Goomba. Do I need to explain more?
Price: $ 3.50 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H12

Power-Up Mushrooms in color of your choice.
Price: $ 3.50 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H13
(State Mushroom type and or colour)

Mario Blocks. Power blocks, Disappearing blocks, etc.
Price: $ 4 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H14
(State type of power block)

Dragon Warrior Monster

Dragon warrior monster 2D sprites (Slime). Monster Sprites may be requested as custom designs.
(Note that design sizes/prices might differ with sprites requested)

Price: $ 4 (Normal Postage Included)

Item ID - H17
(State monster name)